TRAIL - The Rizal Academy for Innovation and Leadership

Action Learning


A process that involves a small group working on real problems, taking action, and learning in the process. It is a powerful instrument that creates dynamic opportunities for individuals, teams and organizations to learn.


The 21st century is characterized by the increasing speed of change brought about by technology, globalization, climate change, which has impacted on all aspects of our lives… the way we live, the way we work, and the way we conduct our business.

Einstein once said that the solutions to today’s problems cannot come from the same kind of thinking that created the problem. More than ever, organizations need to think of new ways to address the complexities and challenges brought about by the changing times. Thus, to succeed and continue to thrive, organizational leaders of the 21st century need to develop the skills and capacities for action learning and its accompanying skill sets of action research, collaboration, reflective and generative dialogue, empathic listening, critical and innovative thinking.

How will ACTION LEARNING benefit my Organization?